Welcome to The "Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Four" Lyrics Quiz

The following 25 lyrics are from Top 40 songs all from 1984 (per Joel Whitburn). Lyrics are listed alphabetically by song title. Songs starting with the words "A" or "The" are listed with the A's and T's. You need to identify the Song title and artist for each song, 10 points for each, for a total of 500 possible points.

1The Viet Cong
2I got to keep on movin'
3Here on my own
4By the wrist
5Who's gonna plug your ears
6She'll take your heart
7Such a human waste
8Put on your sunday shoes
9Who ya gonna call
10The working day is done
11And I call your name
12Ch-ch-ch Chaka Khan
13To say how much I cared
14I want you to show me
15You better just say so
16The girl is alright
17Flash, flash, flash
18For the very first time
19And no more promises
20I reach down between my legs
21I never get to one
22It's just a shame
23What consequence it brings
24They've never heard of love
25Seeking knowledge

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